01 - Singleplex

Singleplex: One to One Mapping

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The singleplex ingestion pattern refers to the process of ingesting data from a single source into a data platform, such as Databricks, typically for further processing, transformation, and analysis. This pattern is often used when dealing with a specific data source that provides critical data for business operations or analytics.

Key Characteristics of Singleplex Ingestion Pattern

  • Single Data Source: The pattern involves ingesting data from one specific source, such as a database, a file system, a streaming service, or an API.

  • Simplicity: This pattern is simpler compared to multiplex ingestion patterns, which involve multiple data sources. It focuses on a straightforward data flow from the source to the target system.

  • Use Case Specific: Often employed for specific use cases where the data from a single source is critical for the application or analysis, such as sales data from a transactional database or log data from a web server.

  • Performance Optimization: By focusing on a single source, it allows for optimization techniques specific to that source, ensuring efficient data ingestion and minimizing potential bottlenecks.

Steps in Singleplex Ingestion

  • Source Identification: Identify and understand the single data source, including its structure, format, and update frequency.

  • Data Extraction: Use appropriate tools and techniques to extract data from the source. This could involve SQL queries for databases, API calls for web services, or file readers for file systems.

  • Data Transformation: Transform the data as needed to fit the schema and format required by the target system. This can include data cleaning, normalization, and enrichment.

  • Data Loading: Load the transformed data into the target system, such as Databricks, ensuring it is stored efficiently and is accessible for further processing and analysis.

  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Implement monitoring to ensure the data ingestion process is running smoothly and maintain the process to handle changes in the source data or requirements.


  • Focused Performance Tuning: Allows for targeted optimization and tuning specific to the data source.
  • Simplicity and Manageability: Easier to manage and troubleshoot compared to complex multi-source ingestion pipelines.
  • Consistency: Ensures a consistent flow of data from the single source, reducing the risk of data discrepancies.

Use Cases

  • ETL for a Specific Database: Ingesting transactional data from a single database for reporting and analysis.
  • Log Data Ingestion: Collecting and processing log data from a single application or server for monitoring and analysis.
  • APIs and Web Services: Ingesting data from a single API for integration into a larger data platform.