
Getting Started with OpenStack

What is OpenStack

OpenStack is elastic cloud software that provides software developers with the ability to control the virtual infrastructure on which to deploy their applications. It is a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for public and private clouds.

It accelerates time-to-market by dramatically reducing application provisioning times, giving companies full control of their software development lifecycle and ultimately giving them a significant competitive advantage. OpenStack also provides application portability by allowing enterprises to freely move between OpenStack clouds without vendor lock-in.

Introduction to OpenStack

OpenStack lets users deploy virtual machines and other instances that handles different tasks for managing a cloud environment on the fly.

Key Components of OpenStack

  • Nova - Primary Computing Engine behind OpenStack. It is used for deploying and managing large numbers of virtual machines and other instances to handle computing tasks.

  • Swift - Storage System for Objects and Files.

Network Commands

### List floating IP Pools
openstack ip floating pool list

### Get FloatingIP from the external Network
openstack ip floating create <poolname>
openstack ip floating create ext_vlan1767_net

### Create a Neutron Network
neutron net-create ART-Land

#### View list of Networks
neutron net-list

#### Create network for project
neutron net-create <NetworkName>

#### Creating Subnet
neutron subnet-create --name ART-Subnet ART-Land

#### View Subnet
neutron subnet show <subnetName>
neutron subnet-show ART-Subnet

### Create Router
neutron router-create <routername>
neutron router-create ART-router

### Add Interface to router
neutron router-interface-add <router> <subnet>
neutron router-interface-add ART-router ART-Subnet

### Attach Router to External Network
neuter router-gateway-set ART-router ext_vlan1767_net

# Security Groups and Rules

### Creating Security Group
openstack security group <groupname> --description 'Allow SSH and pings'
openstack security group create BasicSG --description 'Allow SSH and Pings'

### Adding Rules to Security Groups

#### Create Rule to allow SSH
openstack security group rule create BasicSG --proto tcp --dst-port 22:22

#### Create Rule to allow Ping from any Source IP
openstack security group rule create BasicSG --proto icmp --dst-port -1

### Create Security Group to Open all TCP internal
openstack security group create OpenSG --description 'All TCP internal'

#### Add a new security rule to our OpenSG group that will allow all traffic from the private subnet in
openstack security group rule create OpenSG --proto tcp --dst-port 1:65535 --src-ip

Creating Instances

openstack server create --flavor smem-4vcpu --image ubuntu-latest --security-group BasicSG --nic net-id=ART-Land --key-name ArtKey ARTBastionHost

Working with Stacks

### Launching a Stacks
openstack stack create --template <templateFile> --environment <envFile> <stackName>

### Listing Stacks
openstack stack list
openstack flavor list
openstack image list


  • Provides API to allow your users to create networks, subnets, routers etc.

Network - An isolated L2 segment, analogous to a VLAN in physical networking.

Subnet - A block of v4 of v6 IP address and associated configuration state.

Port - A connection point for attaching a single device (NIC) to Neutron network.

openstack network list

# Create Network
openstack network create mynetwork

# Create Subnet
openstack subnet create --network mynetwork \
--subnet-range --dns-nameserver mynetwork-subnet


Nova sits on top of Hypervisor Nova Flavors

# List images
openstack image list

# List flavors
openstack flavor list

# List networks
openstack network list

# Boot an instance using flavor and image names (if names are unique)
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyFirstInstance

# Boot another instance
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MySecondInstance

# List instances, notice status of instance
openstack server list

# Show details of instance
openstack server show MyFirstInstance

# View console log of instance
openstack console log show MyFirstInstance

# Get the console url of the instance
openstack console url show MyFirstInstance


Creates a volume on a Hypervisor. Allowing instances to attaching and detaching the volume without losing it’s persistence.

Cinder is powered by LVM and iSCSI. Cinder is Inspired by Elastic Block Storage.

openstack volume create --size 1 --type sata MyFirstVolume

openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyVolumeInstance

openstack server add volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID

openstack server remove volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID

Use ‘myadmin’ credentials

source ~/credentials/myadmin

Verify Cinder services are functioning and checking in :-)

openstack volume service list

Use ‘myuser’ credentials

source ~/credentials/myuser

Create a new volume

openstack volume create --size 1 --type sata MyFirstVolume

Boot an instance to attach volume to

openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyVolumeInstance

List instances, notice status of instance

openstack server list

List volumes, notice status of volume

openstack volume list

Get volume and instance IDs

MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID=`openstack volume show MyFirstVolume | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'`
MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID=`openstack server show MyVolumeInstance | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'`

# Attach volume to instance after instance is active, and volume is available
openstack server add volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID

# Confirm the volume has been attached
openstack volume list

# Get the console url of the instance
openstack console url show MyVolumeInstance

# Login to the instance
# username: cirros
# password: cubswin:)

# From inside the instance
# List storage devices
sudo fdisk -l

# Make filesystem on volume
sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/vdb

# Create a mountpoint
sudo mkdir /extraspace

# Mount volume at mountpoint
sudo mount /dev/vdb /extraspace

# Create a file on volume
sudo touch /extraspace/helloworld.txt
sudo ls /extraspace

# Unmount volume
sudo umount /extraspace

# Log out of instance

# Detach volume from instance
openstack server remove volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID

# List volumes, notice status of volume
openstack volume list

# Delete instance
openstack server delete MyVolumeInstance

# Use 'myuser' credentials
source ~/credentials/myuser

# Create a new instance
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyLastInstance --wait

# Get the console url of the instance
openstack console url show MyLastInstance

# Login to the instance
# username: cirros
# password: cubswin:)

# Ping ( should fail, as we have nothing routing between the tenant network (private) and provider network (public) )

# Create a router
openstack router create MyRouter

# Connect the private-subnet to the router
openstack router add subnet MyRouter private-subnet

# List interfaces attached to router
openstack port list --router MyRouter

# Connect router to public network
neutron router-gateway-set MyRouter public

# Examine details of router
openstack router show MyRouter

# Get instance ID for MyLastInstance
MYLASTINSTANCE_ID=`openstack server show MyLastInstance | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'`

# Find port id for instance
MYLASTINSTANCE_IP=`openstack server show MyLastInstance | awk '/ addresses / { print $4 }' | cut -d '=' -f 2`
MYLASTINSTANCE_PORT_ID=`openstack port list --device-owner compute:None | awk ' /'$MYLASTINSTANCE_IP'/{print $2}'`

# Create a floating IP and attach it to instance
openstack floating ip create --port $MYLASTINSTANCE_PORT_ID public

# Create a new security group
openstack security group create remote

# Add rules to security group to allow SSH and ping
openstack security group rule create --proto icmp --src-ip remote
openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 --src-ip remote

# Apply security group to instance with floating IP
openstack server add security group MyLastInstance remote

# Ping instance with floating IP

# Delete all your servers
openstack server delete MyLastInstance