OpenStack is elastic cloud software that provides software developers with the ability to control the virtual infrastructure on which to deploy their applications. It is a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for public and private clouds.
It accelerates time-to-market by dramatically reducing application provisioning times, giving companies full control of their software development lifecycle and ultimately giving them a significant competitive advantage. OpenStack also provides application portability by allowing enterprises to freely move between OpenStack clouds without vendor lock-in.
OpenStack lets users deploy virtual machines and other instances that handles different tasks for managing a cloud environment on the fly.
Nova - Primary Computing Engine behind OpenStack. It is used for deploying and managing large numbers of virtual machines and other instances to handle computing tasks.
Swift - Storage System for Objects and Files.
### List floating IP Pools
openstack ip floating pool list
### Get FloatingIP from the external Network
openstack ip floating create <poolname>
openstack ip floating create ext_vlan1767_net
### Create a Neutron Network
neutron net-create ART-Land
#### View list of Networks
neutron net-list
#### Create network for project
neutron net-create <NetworkName>
#### Creating Subnet
neutron subnet-create --name ART-Subnet ART-Land
#### View Subnet
neutron subnet show <subnetName>
neutron subnet-show ART-Subnet
### Create Router
neutron router-create <routername>
neutron router-create ART-router
### Add Interface to router
neutron router-interface-add <router> <subnet>
neutron router-interface-add ART-router ART-Subnet
### Attach Router to External Network
neuter router-gateway-set ART-router ext_vlan1767_net
# Security Groups and Rules
### Creating Security Group
openstack security group <groupname> --description 'Allow SSH and pings'
openstack security group create BasicSG --description 'Allow SSH and Pings'
### Adding Rules to Security Groups
#### Create Rule to allow SSH
openstack security group rule create BasicSG --proto tcp --dst-port 22:22
#### Create Rule to allow Ping from any Source IP
openstack security group rule create BasicSG --proto icmp --dst-port -1
### Create Security Group to Open all TCP internal
openstack security group create OpenSG --description 'All TCP internal'
#### Add a new security rule to our OpenSG group that will allow all traffic from the private subnet in
openstack security group rule create OpenSG --proto tcp --dst-port 1:65535 --src-ip
openstack server create --flavor smem-4vcpu --image ubuntu-latest --security-group BasicSG --nic net-id=ART-Land --key-name ArtKey ARTBastionHost
### Launching a Stacks
openstack stack create --template <templateFile> --environment <envFile> <stackName>
### Listing Stacks
openstack stack list
openstack flavor list
openstack image list
Network - An isolated L2 segment, analogous to a VLAN in physical networking.
Subnet - A block of v4 of v6 IP address and associated configuration state.
Port - A connection point for attaching a single device (NIC) to Neutron network.
openstack network list
# Create Network
openstack network create mynetwork
# Create Subnet
openstack subnet create --network mynetwork \
--subnet-range --dns-nameserver mynetwork-subnet
Nova sits on top of Hypervisor Nova Flavors
# List images
openstack image list
# List flavors
openstack flavor list
# List networks
openstack network list
# Boot an instance using flavor and image names (if names are unique)
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyFirstInstance
# Boot another instance
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MySecondInstance
# List instances, notice status of instance
openstack server list
# Show details of instance
openstack server show MyFirstInstance
# View console log of instance
openstack console log show MyFirstInstance
# Get the console url of the instance
openstack console url show MyFirstInstance
Creates a volume on a Hypervisor. Allowing instances to attaching and detaching the volume without losing it’s persistence.
Cinder is powered by LVM and iSCSI. Cinder is Inspired by Elastic Block Storage.
openstack volume create --size 1 --type sata MyFirstVolume
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyVolumeInstance
openstack server add volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID
openstack server remove volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID
source ~/credentials/myadmin
openstack volume service list
source ~/credentials/myuser
openstack volume create --size 1 --type sata MyFirstVolume
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyVolumeInstance
openstack server list
openstack volume list
MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID=`openstack volume show MyFirstVolume | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'`
MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID=`openstack server show MyVolumeInstance | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'`
# Attach volume to instance after instance is active, and volume is available
openstack server add volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID
# Confirm the volume has been attached
openstack volume list
# Get the console url of the instance
openstack console url show MyVolumeInstance
# Login to the instance
# username: cirros
# password: cubswin:)
# From inside the instance
# List storage devices
sudo fdisk -l
# Make filesystem on volume
sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/vdb
# Create a mountpoint
sudo mkdir /extraspace
# Mount volume at mountpoint
sudo mount /dev/vdb /extraspace
# Create a file on volume
sudo touch /extraspace/helloworld.txt
sudo ls /extraspace
# Unmount volume
sudo umount /extraspace
# Log out of instance
# Detach volume from instance
openstack server remove volume $MYVOLUMEINSTANCE_ID $MYFIRSTVOLUME_ID
# List volumes, notice status of volume
openstack volume list
# Delete instance
openstack server delete MyVolumeInstance
# Use 'myuser' credentials
source ~/credentials/myuser
# Create a new instance
openstack server create --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=private MyLastInstance --wait
# Get the console url of the instance
openstack console url show MyLastInstance
# Login to the instance
# username: cirros
# password: cubswin:)
# Ping ( should fail, as we have nothing routing between the tenant network (private) and provider network (public) )
# Create a router
openstack router create MyRouter
# Connect the private-subnet to the router
openstack router add subnet MyRouter private-subnet
# List interfaces attached to router
openstack port list --router MyRouter
# Connect router to public network
neutron router-gateway-set MyRouter public
# Examine details of router
openstack router show MyRouter
# Get instance ID for MyLastInstance
MYLASTINSTANCE_ID=`openstack server show MyLastInstance | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'`
# Find port id for instance
MYLASTINSTANCE_IP=`openstack server show MyLastInstance | awk '/ addresses / { print $4 }' | cut -d '=' -f 2`
MYLASTINSTANCE_PORT_ID=`openstack port list --device-owner compute:None | awk ' /'$MYLASTINSTANCE_IP'/{print $2}'`
# Create a floating IP and attach it to instance
openstack floating ip create --port $MYLASTINSTANCE_PORT_ID public
# Create a new security group
openstack security group create remote
# Add rules to security group to allow SSH and ping
openstack security group rule create --proto icmp --src-ip remote
openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 --src-ip remote
# Apply security group to instance with floating IP
openstack server add security group MyLastInstance remote
# Ping instance with floating IP
# Delete all your servers
openstack server delete MyLastInstance