Typescript - Intro

Typescript - What is Typescript

  • TS is javascript superscript. It takes Javascript and takes it to next level.
  • Typescript compiles to Javascript
  • Typescript adds Types to Javascript so that error checks are done prior rather than runtime

Why TypeScript

  • Typescript is a “Tool” that helps developeprs write better code

Installaing and Using Typescript

npm install -g typescript

Typescript Overview

Typescript adds

  • Types!
  • Next generation JS Features
  • Non Javascript Features like Interfaces or Generics
  • Meta Programming Features like Decorators
  • Rich Configuration Options

Course Outline

  • Typescript Basics
  • Compiler & Configuration Deep Dive
  • Working with Next-gen JS Code
  • Classes & Interfaces
  • Advanced Types & TS Features
  • Generics
  • Decorators
  • Working with Namespace & Modules
  • Webpack & Typescript
  • Third-Party Libraries & Typescript
